Insulin: A New Beginning
After living with diabetes for several years, you’ve just been prescribed an insulin treatment. You probably have many questions—perhaps even fears or misgivings. This is completely normal. In any event, here are three preconceived notions you can discard right now.
1. Transitioning to insulin means I managed my diabetes incorrectly.
Wrong. Diabetes is a progressive disease. Despite all your efforts and good will, it may just be that your pancreas is no longer able to cope.
2. Insulin therapy is a last-resort treatment.
Wrong. Rather, it is the logical option when blood sugar can no longer be controlled by diet, weight loss, physical activity and oral medications.
3. Insulin injections are painful.
Wrong. The needles are very fine, and many people do not feel pain during injections. If you don’t like needles, you can opt for a pen, which many find even less bothersome.
Ask your questions! Discuss your concerns with a health care professional. Get informed, and above all, remember that your new treatment will improve your quality of life, help you manage your diabetes more efficiently and prevent or delay the onset of complications.
- American Diabetes Association, “Initiating and Titrating Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes”: Accessed January 15, 2015.
- American Diabetes Association, “Insulin Myths and Facts”: Accessed January 15, 2015.
- Canadian Diabetes Association, “Getting Started with Insulin”: Accessed January 15, 2015.
- Diabetes Québec, “Why Insulin Can Become Necessary for a Person with Type 2 Diabetes”: Accessed January 15, 2015.